A Crocheted Goldfish for Kitty

There are always so many things going through my mind, its hard to keep track of them all.

The top three things that currently occupy the most space in my mind are:

1. Korean fashion;
2. How to keep my cat entertained;
3. Single crocheted things.

Starting off with Korean fashion — have you SEEN some of these things? Stunning! Being a DIYer, I’m obsessed with trying to find out how I can make my own versions of some of these dresses. Talking about overall fashion — Anthropologie takes the cake every time. But those things are much prettier to look at than to actually buy. I’d rather save myself some money and remake it. Who knows, I might end up making something way better!

Back to Korean fashion, though, I am in LOVE with their jackets and coats. So chic! Going to start saving up for a couple of those for this winter. They’re just must-haves.

Hey, man. I like black. You got something against that, huh?

Good. Didnt think so. Here are some more colorful options that I wouldn’t mind in my wardrobe. ^_^

Oh, God. Why are Koreans so leggy and gorgeous? :{

Moving on…(before I get pissed off and slam my computer screen shut.)

The second thing on my list is about how I can keep my cat entertained. This is a daunting task. Not easy at all, especially for a lazy, couch potato such as myself. I’m usually on my laptop, or studying (rarely), or sleeping. My poor cat gets only a couple hours of my attention. It should get more, especially on the weekends. I’m trying to rectify that situation by going through a million articles online on how to keep an indoors cat happy.

So far, I’ve come across a million and one ways, but the catch is that they all require for you to engage in those activities with your cat, too. There’s just too much to do, and not enough time for me to waste. But Chip is my top priotiy, and time must be invested.

This actually brings us to the third item on my list: Single crochet. I love it. Its the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. Seriously. I know every different stitch has its own beauty and appeal, but no other stitch does it for me like single crochet does. Its so…uniform. And pretty.

Double crochet is what I usually work with, though. Single crochet, while undoubtedly pretty, takes up too much time. And me, I need instant results.

I do single crochet when i absolutely NEED to and there is no other way to make something, or when the project is small and I feel that it wont take up much time/will be completed just as fast.

So today, for my cat, Chip, I made a little toy.
I made a cute little goldfish. 😀

Filled with…
No, not catnip. We dont get that here. I think.
I’ll have to look for it.

I filled it with his dry cat food. He loved it! Played with it for a while, biting, kicking, carrying it in his mouth all over the place.

Thing is, my cat loves wet cat food, but he’s not much into eating dry catfood. But the smell gets him everytime; how can it not? Its so tantalizingly fishy. 😀

Here is a crappy picture taken from my phone because I am too lazy to charge my camera. 8|


I should rename this blog to “Lazy’s creations”. :p

So, what do you think? Are you guys single crocheters? Double crocheters, like me? And how do you keep your cats occupied? o__o

I’d really love to know!